
Roadside Interrogations About Prescription Medications: Think Twice Before You Incriminate Yourself

Hello. Today's topic concerns a decision some drivers are faced with when they are stopped by police and interrogated about drinking and driving: should the driver tell the police about prescription medication use? It is imperative to remember that, like everything else the police do after they have ordered you out of your car, questions about prescription medications are designed to incriminate you. If you tell the police that you are taking prescription medications you are likely to be confronted with a police request for a blood test and then a charge of driving while intoxicated (DWI), driving under the influence (DUI) or operating under the influence (OUI) based on drug impairment or a combination of drug and alcohol impairment. Many drivers think they will help themselves and avoid arrest by saying they were taking prescription medications to account for problems they encounter with the sidewalk acrobatics known as "field sobriety tests". Quite to the contrary, statements about prescription medications will only be used to prosecute the unwitting driver who is candid with police during a DWI investigation.

It is important to bear in mind that once the police get you OUT of the vehicle for a DWI investigation, the chances are you are not getting back IN to your own vehicle. This is particularly true in roadblocks, where the police are very numbers driven in order to justify the funding they receive for the roadblocks and to attempt to justify the trampling of the Constitution that is the hallmark of all roadblocks. "Close ones" or "mild impairment" cases ALL get arrested in a roadblock because of the legal war that is being waged between the Rights of all Americans guaranteed by the Constitution on the one side, and law enforcement efficiency on the other.

Remember to use caution when deciding whether to tell the police ANYTHING, but particular caution should be used when deciding whether to incriminate yourself by answering questions about prescription medications.

Have a safe night,

Mark Stevens
5 Manor Parkway
Salem, NH 03079




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