
New Hampshire Boating While Intoxicated Case Result: Important Implied Consent Victory

Hello Everyone,

A new case victory was posted on my website this afternoon (August 16, 2008). The case, which was heard this week, resulted in the dismissal of an implied consent suspension request from the state of New Hampshire after a "Boating While Intoxicated" arrest. The boat operator in this case refused to blow into the breath test hose at the police station after his arrest for BWI, and the state then sought a 180 day suspension of his right to drive a car.

My website is found at all of the three addresses below:




Every implied consent suspension hearing is critically important to the driver involved. This one has more far reaching implications though, because the administrative license suspension request from the state was dismissed because of a fatal defect in the rules that govern these type of administrative license suspension hearings, which are also known as "implied consent suspension" hearings.

Please feel free to review this case result on my website. It can be found by clicking on the case result of the week for the week of August 15, 2008.

If you have been arrested for Boating While Intoxicated in New Hampshire please feel free to contact me to discuss this and the effect it may have on your case.

Have a safe night,

Mark Stevens
5 Manor Parkway
Salem, NH 03079




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