
More DWI Lawyer Advertising Warnings

Hello every one. I hope every one is having a safe and happy Independence Day. From time to time I alert you to some scuzzy advertising practices. In the past I have posted about the direct junk mail campaigns of some lawyers who mail unsolicited advertisements to people who have just been arrested. As you can imagine, it's not the cream of the crop doing this.

A new tactic I have noticed is that some lawyers will use my name in anchor text but when you click on the text you will get directed to the other lawyer's website. Googling "Attorney Mark Stevens" will reveal some of these. "Anchor text", or "link text" is the visible, clickable text in a hyperlink. The words contained in the anchor text can determine the ranking that the page will receive by search engines.

So the reason that other lawyers would do this is because I rank organically higher than them. If you see a lawyer in the three shaded boxes at the top of a google search, or on the right hand column in a line of little boxes, they are paying for the spot. If you look at the ten spots below the shaded entries, these are pages that rank highly "organically", or because of their content.

I appreciate every one who searches for me on google. I appreciate that my clients are smart enough to know when they are on my web site or some one else's. Don't be duped. Accept no substitutes. Have a great weekend.



  1. very nice information you have on this blog about DUI lawyers it can help all the people related this topic.Thanks for sharing this informative blog.

  2. Thanks for your thoughts Edward and Anonymous. Mark

  3. Very well said. But one thing you should know in choosing you personal lawyers you have to check their credibility, capability and capacity the C3.

    New York Personal Injury Lawyer

  4. There is some interesting case law regarding buying of keywords of competing frims developing. Slimy practice for sure but the law is just developing on this subject. Immoral but legal?

  5. Slimy practice for sure. The law is just developing on buying keywords that infringe opun the trademarks of others. The development you describe is just as slimy. Immoral but legal?

  6. it sounds like only really desparate incompetent shmucks would have to send out directly mailings. In other words lawyers that can't get any cases on thier own because people who know them think they suck. Is that right?
