
New Hampshire DWI and Drug Laws

New Hampshire's law on Possession of Drugs in a Motor Vehicle is different than the "possession of controlled drug" under the criminal code.  The biggest differences are the potential impacts on your right to drive.  If you get convicted of possession of drugs in a motor vehicle, the New Hampshire DMV will add 6 points onto your driving record, you will have the same red letters on your driving license as those convicted of DWI or Aggravated DWI, the conviction will count as a major offense under New Hampshire's "Habitual Offender" law, and you will lose your right to drive from 60 days up to 2 years!  This is sometimes a pile-on charge that accompanies a DWI charge, if the police find any trace of drugs in your car or truck when they inventory the vehicle prior to towing it.  Your next steps are important.

Here is the New Hampshire law, found at RSA 265-A:43:

265-A:43 Possession of Drugs.
Any person who drives on any way a vehicle while knowingly having in his or her possession or in any part of the vehicle a controlled drug or controlled drug analog in violation of the provisions of RSA 318:B shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and his or her license shall be revoked or his or her right to drive denied for a period of 60 days and at the discretion of the court for a period not to exceed 2 years.

A conviction on this type of charge in New Hampshire court leads to a criminal record, a fine and a loss of your right to drive in New Hampshire for 60 days up to two years. If you are facing these types of serious consequences, please feel free to call me today for a free consultation at 1-603-893-0074. I look forward to speaking with you.

Have a safe night.

Attorney Mark Stevens

Call Today! 1-603-893-0074
New Hampshire DWI Attorney Mark Stevens

Special thanks for help with this article to District of Columbia criminal defense attorney David Benowitz pricebenowitz.com

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